Up from 200px as this was another suggestion. I have also updated the grid scale to up to 300px. If you enter a value with a decimal place, it will update once you hit enter or just move out of the input and it will apply to the image right away. I know some of you wanted to go below 1 or just wanted 1.5. Hey guys, I have just updated the tool to support decimal places in the grid thickness. I will keep it in mind and if it is something more people want, I can consider adding it. Sure, it will mean you get a perfect grid from top to bottom and left to right, something that is hard with a square grid due to aspect ratios not always being perfect multiples but this feels like a feature that would make the tool far more difficult to configure. A grid is made of squares, if you have a grid of 5px high and 3px wide, it will mean the grid is wonky and will make it more difficult to render cleanly. This is possible but I am not sure this would be much good. I have seen the suggestion of wanting the grid width and height being something you can configure. The new field will make this much easier. This should solve the issues some of you are having to try to get the grid to line up perfectly as the slider did not allow perfectly precise values.
I have removed the scale slider and instead, this is now an input that you can modify to 1 decimal place e.g. I have just pushed another update for this tool.